Sandes de vegetais em bolo lêvedo

Ingredientes (por cada sandes):

Para a sandes:

  • 1 Bolo lêvedo (Açores)
  • 3 Fatias de beringela
  • 2 Fatias de pimento encarnado
  • 12 Fatias finas de courgete
  • 1 Queijo mozarella
  • Folhas de rúcula, q.b.
  • Molho de azeite, q.b.

Para o molho de azeite:

  • 1 Ovo
  • Sumo de meio limão
  • 1 Dente de alho picado
  • Sal, q.b.
  • Pimenta, q.b.
  • Azeite, q.b.

Modo de preparação:

Sandes: grelham-se as fatias de beringela, de courgete e de pimento. Fatia-se o queijo mozarela. Parte-se o bolo lêvedo ao meio, aquece-se ligeiramente e unta-se com o molho de azeite, e colocam-se alternadamente as fatias de beringela, as de courgete, as de queijo mozarela e a rúcula, regando-as abundantemente com o molho de azeite.

Molho de azeite: num copo coloca-se o ovo, o dente de alho muito picado, a pimenta, o sal e o sumo de limão. Trabalha-se com a varinha-mágica e acrescenta-se lentamente o azeite. Quanto mais azeite se acrescentar, mais denso fica o o molho, o que não se pretende; o objectivo é ficar mais líquido do que a maionese.


Na imagem, a sandes e o molho no serviço “Balcon du Guadalquivir” de Hermès.


In English

Bolo lêvedo vegetables sandwich

Ingredients (per sandwich):

For the sandwich:

  • 1 Bolo lêvedo (Azores)
  • 3 Eggplant slices
  • 2 Red hot pepper slices
  • 12 Courgette slices
  • 1 Mozarella cheese
  • Rocket leaves, as needed
  • Olive oil sauce, as needed

For the olive oil sauce:

  • 1 Medium free range egg
  • Half lemon juice
  • 1 Clove garlic, chopped
  • Salt, as needed
  • Black pepper, as needed
  • Olive oil, as needed


Sandwich: Grill the eggplant, the courgette and the red hot pepper slices. Cut the mozzarella cheese into slices. Cut the cake in half, heat it and water it with the olive oil sauce, and place, alternately, in layers the vegetables, the cheese slices and the rocket leaves, watering each layer with the sauce.
Olive oil sauce: put the egg, the clove of garlic finely chopped, the black pepper, the salt and the lemon juice in a hand blender jar and beat it using the hand blender. Add the olive oil, very slowly; the more olive oil is added, the more dense the sauce is, which is not intended, for this recipe. The goal is to get a sauce more liquid than mayonnaise.

In the image, the sandwich and the sauce in the Hermès service “Balcon du Guadalquivir”.

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